/* */ PELVIPHARM - SPECIALIZED PRECLINICAL EXPERTISE in male and female sexual functions and diseases of the lower urinary tract
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February 7th - 2011

Bio-Europe Spring in Milan, March 2011

Pelvipharm will be represented by Delphine Behr-Roussel at the next BIO-Europe Spring meeting in Milan, March 14-16 2011. We warmly invite you to take this opportunity to learn more about our services.

If you’d like to set up a specific meeting at any time throughout the conference, please email staffpelvipharm@pelvipharm.com and we will be happy to assist you.


November 26th - 2010

Recently accepted paper in Eur Urol

Vardenafil decreases bladder afferent nerve activity in unanesthetized, decerebrate, spinal cord-injured rats.
Behr-Roussel D, Oger S, Caisey S, Sandner P, Bernabé J, Alexandre L, Giuliano F.
European Urology, 59(2):272-9

October 4th - 2010

Recently accepted review in J Sex Med

Experimental Models for the Study of Female and Male Sexual Function.
Giuliano F, Pfaus J, Balasubramanian S, Hedlund P, Hisasue S, Marson L, Wallen K.
J Sex Med, 2010 sep, Vol 7, Issue 9, pages 2970-2995.

January 4th - 2011

Season's Greetings from the team at PELVIPHARM

We wish for you the very best for the new year, and extend our sincerest gratitude for your interest in our preclinical services.


September 30th - 2010

Recently accepted paper in Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy

Neuroanatomical distribution of the melanocortin-4 receptors in male and female rodent brain.
Gelez H, Poirier S, Facchinetti P, Allers K, Wayman C, Bernabé J, Alexandre L, Giuliano F.
Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy
, 2010 sep, Vol 40, pages 310-324.

August 20th - 2010

Recently accepted paper in BJU Int

Effects of potassium channel modulators on myogenic spontaneous phasic contractile activity in human detrusor from neurogenic patients.
Oger S, Behr-Roussel D, Gorny D, Bernabé J, Comperat E, Chartier-Kastler E, Denys P, Giuliano F.
BJU Int - Epub 2010, Vol 108, Issue 4, p:604-611

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